Monday, April 21, 2008

While Mommy holds him, Noelle meeting Ethan for the first time.


Gail said...

Dear Jay, Eileen and Noelle,

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Ethan is so adorable! We hope you are getting some sleep.

Gail, David & Dylan

Walgreen said...

Congratulations! Best wishes to your family!

Unknown said...

Welcome Ethan to the Rivera clan! You're one lucky boy--you have no idea how many of us already love you. Can't wait to meet you soon. Adam & Aris

Robyn said...

Eileen, Jay and Noelle,

Congratulations! We hope to meet up with you all really soon. Best wishes to your family.

Robyn, Jeff, Rylie and Avery Wallace

Heidi Tobias-Wong said...

Super cute! Congrads. Now it will be interesting to see the big sis guides her little brother.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the adorable baby. I am sure Noelle will be a great big sister.


jargar said...

Noelle looks like she doesn't understand why Mommy is holding another baby. I'm sure she'll get the concept soon enough. She's a smart girl and she will be a good big sister. Can't wait to see all of you. Lola